Author Archives: Bob Thomason

Carbon 60 Journey

I decided about two years ago to start taking C60 and watching a video interview with Sarah Westall and Clif High. I had never heard of Carbon 60 (C6o) before and noticed that Clif was a little hesitant to expand on it.  He knew that supply was very limited and did not want to overwhelm…

Life Is Good

Hi, Bob Thomason, here. Yes, this picture is my family my son, daughter, mother, and my son’s lovely wife. I’ve been an Entrepreneur now for over 30 years and owned and operated two different traditional businesses. Businesses that comprised employees and expensive overhead. (see About Me for more on this) A few years ago, I…

A Total Loss

The Piper Seneca (PA-34) was a great plain, and I spent many flight hours in the plane. As I mentioned before, a twin is faster and more reliable than the single engine I started with. At least, that was my way of thinking and justifying the purchase. The challenge in a twin, though (or any…

The Need For Speed

The Piper Seneca (PA-34) was a great plain and I spent many flight hours in the plane. As I mentioned before, a twin is faster and more reliable than the single engine I started with. At least, that was my way of thinking and justifying the purchase. The challenge in a twin, though (or for…

The Need For An Instrument Rating

It started as a heavy overcast day with lots of fog. A buddy and I had just returned to Dallas on a commercial flight from Las Vegas and the weather was anything but cooperative. I was a reasonably new pilot (having had my license for just two years) and had never needed to fly in…